Improve wellness ● Prevent Injury ● Save
Created by patient/client request, Wellness Membership at Progress PT is for our community of patients and clients who are serious about their health and wellness, who want to prevent pain or limitations in function and to live a long, productive and highly functional life, spending less time and money on extra doctors’ visits, medications, injections and surgery. It is for thosewho have a goal of being able to function at their highest possible level – to move with ease for any chosen activity. These goals are in line with our goals for you and, through the Progress PT Wellness Membership, you can achieve these goals at a significant discount! Our exceptional team will work together to keep you at your best!
THE DISCOUNT – Approximately 20% for 2021 sign-up – See our membership levels below!
PREVENTATIVE – $616 per yr ($154+ savings). $300 non-refundable deposit plus $26.33/month.
- P.T. CHECK UP ($300 value)
- FOLLOW UP P.T. CHECK UP – OR Sports-specific Movement Screen – Golf, running and/or strength training movement analysis ($300 value)
- WELLNESS OPTION: Pick one! (Approx. $170 value)
- Pilates Class – 11 per year OR
- Semi-private Pilates – 5 per year OR
- Therapeutic Massage – Two 60-minute sessions per year OR
- Personal Training – Two 75-minute sessions per year
PROACTIVE – $877 per yr ($219+ savings). $400 non-refundable deposit plus $39.75/month.
- P.T. CHECK UP ($300 Value)
- FOLLOW UP P.T. CHECK UP – OR Sports-specific Movement Screen – Golf, running and/or strength training movement analysis ($300 value).
- WELLNESS OPTION: Pick One! (Approx. $340+ Value):
- Pilates Class – 22 per year OR
- Semi-private Pilates – 10 per year OR
- Therapeutic Massage – Four 60-minute sessions per year OR
- Personal Training – Four 75-minute sessions per year
PREMIER – $2442 per year ($610 ++ savings). $400 non-refundable deposit plus 170.17/month.
- P.T. CHECK UP ($300 value)
- FOLLOW UP P.T. CHECK-UP – OR Sports-specific Movement Screen – Golf, running and/or strength training movement analysis ($300 value)
- FIT – Functional Intensity Training – 1-3 x/week (up to $2700 value) OR
- WELLNESS – Personal Training OR Private Pilates – Two 60-minute Sessions per month ($1560 value) plus pick one: ($680+ Value):
- Pilates Class– 44 per year OR
- Semi-private Pilates – 20 per year OR
- Therapeutic Massage – Eight 60-minute sessions per year
- PRIORITY PHYSICAL THERAPY – With a new episode of care, appointment offered within 24 business hours.
Cancellation fee: $100 Administrative fee plus full value of services already provided.