Sports Injury Prevention

  • Injury Prevention | Progress Physical Therapy LLC
  • Injury Prevention | Progress Physical Therapy LLC
  • Injury Prevention | Progress Physical Therapy LLC
  • Injury Prevention | Progress Physical Therapy LLC
  • Injury Prevention | Progress Physical Therapy LLC
  • Injury Prevention | Progress Physical Therapy LLC
  • Injury Prevention | Progress Physical Therapy LLC
  • Orthopaedics | Orthopedics
  • Orthopaedics | Orthopedics
  • Injury Prevention | Orthopedics

Thanks for helping me. I appreciate that prevention is the best cure...

- Heidi L.

In Sports...
At Progress Physical Therapy, we are passionate about sports and we have all experienced our share of sports injuries. Our goal is to use our knowledge to help you enjoy the sports you love for a very long time while decreasing your risk of chronic pain, injury, or arthritis.

We know that injury decreases performance and enjoyment of sports and increases your chance of being forced to limit or completely give-up your sport early. We also know that comprehensive injury prevention programs can decrease injury incidence by up to 60%! So to help you 'stay in the game', we have spent many hours developing comprehensive Sport-Specific Injury Prevention Programs based on our research of injury prevention programs across the country. We have served hundreds of athletes in this program.

In Life...
Outside of sports, there are many opportunities to prevent injuries that can occur in daily activities. We are experienced, skilled, and always here to help you if you become injured but believe the best way we can serve you is to give you the knowledge and tools to prevent injuries in the first place. Because we are passionate about injury prevention, we have developed a cutting edge comprehensive injury prevention program. We have provided over 600 annual Injury Prevention Physicals to executives from as far away as Texas and consistently receive very positive feedback about the value of our program.

Coaching the Coaches
Is another important component of our Injury Prevention Programs. We love to take our decades of clinical experience, combine it with our personal experience in sports and take it directly to the gym, the field, the court, the road or the trail to help coaches help their athletes prevent injury. We will come to you during your practice or training, analyze your warm up and your technique and help your coaches refine your program to decrease injury risk. We also help coaches to develop a skilled eye to recognize movement patterns that are associated with specific injuries and teach them verbal cues and specialized exercises to help athletes improve their technique and decrease their risk.

Progress Physical Therapy has served as consultants for Richmond Strikers Soccer Club and has provided Injury Prevention Screenings and Coaching the Coaches for their Travel Program, including the Nike¨ Academy teams. We have also consulted for Injury Prevention for Godwin High School Girls Varsity Soccer.

Note: When a patient seeks treatment in our office for a current injury, they automatically receive the above service as part of their Physical Therapy treatment. We believe, however, that prevention is always the best treatment! Call our office at 270-7754 directly to schedule your Injury Prevention Evaluation!

Progress Physical Therapy LLC | Glen Alen VA

What to Expect


  • Complete a comprehensive evaluation which is specific to the needs of your sport(s) and or daily activities and chronic postures,
  • Explain any abnormal findings which may limit your performance or increase your injury risk,
  • Provide you with a customized program of instructions and exercises which will help you work to decrease your risk of injury, and
  • Educate you in equipment modifications, if needed, to help decrease stress on your musculoskeletal system as you enjoy your sport(s), hobbies, work, and life.

Learn more about our Golf Swing Analysis and Running Analysis Programs by clicking the links below!

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